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How to Become a Successful UI/UX Designer

Justine Baylon Justine Baylon January 12, 2021
UI-UX Designer Tips - Banner

It’s not new for a business so have its own website, especially today when everyone prefers to stay at home and transact online. Thousands of pages flood the internet on a daily, and consumers are fed with tons of options for every retail need.

As important as establishing an online presence is, many developers overlook the impact of design and layout.

It takes dedicated training and a good eye for design to become successful in UI/UX, but both of these can be harnessed. If you’re aiming for a career path in software interface layout, here are some tips that professional designers swear by.


Find your target audience and design for them

Like any marketing strategy, the first step to effectively reach out to your customers is to define your main target market. Without knowing who to design for, you’ll end up with inconsistent UI/UX layouts.

Identifying your audience is also an excellent way to look into their habits, such as how they use their apps and which features they want to see. These small yet crucial information will give you an edge in converting visitors into paying customers.

Test, test, and test

After designing your interface, one step you shouldn’t forget is testing. This process will allow you to find any loopholes and issues that you wouldn’t typically find from the developer’s end. Every button and function should work smoothly – from menu bars to buttons. It’s also an incredible way to test if your users will behave the way you expect them to (and improve from there!).

Put yourself in the shoes of your user

Knowing your users goes beyond statistics. Instead, it’s all about finding out what they regularly look for and what challenges they face when navigating online platforms.

A good UI/UX designer must have the ability to address those issues and turn it into clear decisions. In the end, it’s all about making the interface engaging and appealing to your market.

Flexibility and responsiveness are a must

Brush up on responsive designs so you could apply it to your UI/UX design, even if it means spending more time and effort. Utilizing flexible elements and styles will make your interface stand out. It will also give you a chance to cater to different users across all devices and systems.

Prioritize readability

Making text more than just a string of letters requires careful planning of the right typography and placement. Readability always comes first. Good font faces will allow your users to navigate your platform with ease and absorb information easier.

Get rid of the endless scrolling

There was once a time when scrolling was the sole option for long content. But that time has since passed, and users are no longer fond of scrolling endlessly through their apps. For example, infinite scrolling could be troublesome if not utilized correctly. Check out other options, such as parallax scrolling or swiping, to find the best option for your brand. Otherwise, your users might get frustrate and abandon the app.

Don’t overlook the importance of copies

Space is sacred. Everything you place on your interface, from buttons to text, needs to have a purpose. Writing effective and quality copies is crucial to achieve meaningful designs.

Simple is better

“If everything is screaming for attention, nothing will be heard.” Striving for clarity is the best way ensure that your content will be well-received by your market. It doesn’t necessarily have to be plain and boring, but there’s a way to achieve the perfect balance between minimalist and appealing.

While it can be tempting to inject design elements here and there, nothing beats classy designs that are easy to digest.

Stay updated on trends

UI/UX design is everchanging. New trends pop up here and there, and brands are quick to adapt these designs to their platforms. If you’re striving to become an effective and successful designer, it’s important to keep an eye out for new inspiration. When you work hard to regularly offer new features to your users, they’ll keep coming back and patronizing your platform because they have something to look forward to.

Justine Baylon is a Multimedia Specialist at Intelegencia. When he is not working, he loves to dancing and keeping fit


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